Monday, April 17, 2017

God is Personal

As I reflect on Easter weekend, I feel such peace in knowing of the hope our Lord provides. We have walked a journey that has included so many emotions these past two years. Right now, we are in a season of utmost joy. Each day we wake up to our sweet baby boy, and I am grateful beyond measure.

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to share about the miracle that occurred on the night of Beckett’s birth and in the days after. I shared about those few days but also about the past two years. I shared about how God has moved mountains in our life over the past two years. He has shown our family such mercy, love, and compassion. He has comforted us in times of deep grief, fear, and has shown His tangible love for us.

The group of 200 or so women that I had the opportunity to speak to already knew of Beckett. They prayed for him on the night of his MRI. They prayed for his healing. It moves me to tears to know how many people prayed for our son. To look out at this group of women from the stage and know that they had prayed for our son, shed tears for our son, called upon God for his protection on one of the most pivotal days of our life, was truly overwhelming. God heard each and every prayer, this I know.

On the Sunday before I spoke, our pastor preached on these verses: Psalm 145:10-12

“All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you. They tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your MIGHT, so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.”

I love to share our journey. I love to share because it’s tangible evidence of our God’s goodness, His might. I pray that each time I share about our journey, that I am able to glorify our good God.

If you know our family or have read some of my other blog posts, you will know about our journey of losing our sweet Kylie almost two years ago, you will know that God gave us the gift of caring for a sweet girl for 8 months in our season of waiting, you will know He faithfully blessed us with another pregnancy, and you will know of the miracle He performed on the night Beckett was born in the days following. I continue to be in awe of our blessings and His goodness.

In preparing to speak to those faithful women of God, I must share what I stumbled upon. I flipped through my journal and found the entry I had written on April 4, 2016. We had recently found out we were expecting and had some early ultrasounds. I worried for our sweet child’s life. I wanted so badly to progress through the pregnancy and to meet our baby.

7 months before our sweet Beckett was born, I wrote:

“God I come to you once again begging you. I beg you for a healthy baby. I beg you that in November, Patrick and I are holding our warm, sweet, crying, healthy child. Lord, I no longer am begging you for a pregnancy. I beg you for a child.”

Later on in the same entry I wrote:

“As I read your word today, I read in Luke 11: 9-10 and 13: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened…. How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” So, I pray for you, Lord, to send the Holy Spirit to surround and penetrate my womb. Help our child to be completely healthy. Help them to grow proportionately and give them a strong heartbeat.”

Holy cow… “So, I pray for you, Lord, to send the Holy Spirit to surround and penetrate my womb. Help our child to be completely healthy. Help them to grow proportionately and give them a strong heartbeat.”

Our personal God knew then what I needed to ask Him for. Many months before the birth of our son, I had prayed that the Lord would give him a strong heartbeat, and He so faithfully answered that prayer in the wee hours of the morning on November 12, 2016.

Link to the video:

Password: sisterhood

Beckett and I with our beautiful labor and delivery nurses

These two women will always have a special place in our lives.

Nurse E saved this sweet boy's life with her quick actions on the night he was born.

What a joy it is to share God's impact on our lives these past couple of years.

God is SO GOOD.

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