Sunday, November 12, 2017

Beckett Mason Byer is one. Our baby is one.

Beckett Mason Byer is one. Our baby is one.

Tears stream and stream and stream as I write this. Tears of gratefulness, tears of joy, tears because I’m undeserving, tears for the memories, tears for God’s mercy, tears for God’s compassion, tears for God’s unending love.

It is never, ever lost on me that our son is a miracle. The fact that we get to raise him; it’s a gift. It is because God intervened that Beckett Mason is here with us today. It is because God protected him that he is developmentally absolutely normal. It is because God managed every moment, every decision, every medical professional on November 12, 2016 and in the days after. He heard every cry, every scream, every prayer we prayed that night. I continue to pray the same prayer over Beckett that I screamed to God as we rolled into the OR that night. “Lord, please protect our son.” Such a simple prayer, yet those words are the most powerful words I’ve ever spoken. In the hours before I could be transferred to be with Beckett, the Holy Spirit continually reminded me, “God is good all the time. All the time He is good.” Over and over, these words played in my head. The presence of God was tangible on the night of Beckett’s birth and in our days spent in the NICU.

We were just back at the University of Minnesota for a one-year checkup for Beckett with our neonatal physician. Beckett also underwent a developmental assessment with the team. He is completely on track developmentally. Praise our good God. We were told that they have never assessed a child who’s APGAR score at birth was a 0, much less one who’s APGAR score was 0 and assessed as a completely normal 12 month old. When specialists in the medical field look at you and tell you that there is no medical explanation for Beckett’s case and that he truly is a miracle, it is utterly overwhelming.

Why do I share this? To glorify our good God. He is good. All the time, He is good. Through the valleys, He is good. In the best of times, He is good. He is faithful. He loves us. He is compassionate. He is merciful.

Psalm 145:10-12 – “All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you. They tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your MIGHT, so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.”

Today, we celebrate our birthday boy, and we praise our good God for the biggest blessing in our life, Beckett Mason Byer.

Beckett Mason's First Days of Life:

Our Big One Year Old (photography credit goes to Antonia Kay Photography (

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