Just a like a habit… it gets easier.
Saying “yes” gets easier.
Listening for God’s voice gets easier.
Opening our home and hearts to another child gets easier.
Breaking routine to pick up a child, flexibility in naps, sleeping
schedule changes, texting our peeps to let them know an extra will be with us…
it all gets easier with time. It has become the norm in our life. It’s what we
do in this season. We get the emails, we feel called, and we say, “Yes.” The
pack and play comes back out, the night light is plugged in, and the sound
machine is placed just so (this is new to our routine… praise Jesus). Now, the extra
booster seat just stays in its place at the counter. The third car seat is now
a fixture in the back seat of the minivan. I could probably maneuver myself
into a size 4 diaper for a short amount of time… kidding, but a desperate momma
can make any size diaper work for a child for a short amount of time. A variety
of types of sippy cups are stored in the cupboard because who knows what a
child is used to drinking out of. The freezer, fridge, and pantry are stocked
with hot dogs, chicken nuggets, meat balls, mac & cheese, applesauce pouches, and veggie
straws because we have found that every kid will eat at least one of these foods.
Travel-sized bags of snacks are at the ready when driving to do pick up and drop
off. And, Target drive-up is my saving grace.
As we step out in faith, God makes it easier to do so. He has
made me more comfortable with the unknown… we don’t know what the bio-mom’s
situation will be, we don’t know how the child will react to our home, we don’t
always know the exact day a child will return to his or her mom, we don’t know
how the child will sleep… the list of unknowns is long. But, He removes the
fear. He opens my heart and mind to flexibility and understanding, and when it’s
hard (because I’m not going to lie and tell you that it’s not), He reminds me
why we do this.
Our extra, raising a hallelujah with me this morning in worship of our awesome God.
These moments take my breath away.
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